Empowering Gifted People with Golden Opportunities

Program Overview

ICE institute of creative excellence is pleased to reward talent distinction


Obtaining a film academy education can come with much struggle, hardship, and tribulation especially when it comes to hunting for money to pay for your learning. Luckily, ICE has a scholarship program to help you brush your skills without attaining large amounts of student loans or debts.

We have scholarships of up to 75K course fees waived off for high-achieving talented students entering our programs. If you would be interested in being considered for this scholarship program then please complete the scholarship application form.

      Scholarship Program

      Everyone reserves the right to education and training

      ICE proposes one of the best scholarships within the industry that is reserved for those unfortunate aspirants with brilliant talent skills that lack the monetary funds to apply to any academy for filmmaking, acting, or performance arts.

      Talented people should not miss out on an opportunity to rise up in the film and entertainment industry. We scrutinize applicants’ eligibility and assess them based on their skills and talent and not on their educational background or marks.


      How can I be eligible for scholarship at ICE?